Memorization for February 9

Junior High Memory:

Q1. Can we take away our sin?

A. We cannot take away our sin because we are guilty before God.

Q2. Who alone can take our guilt away?

A. Only Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to earn our righteousness before God.

Q3. How can you receive the righteousness of Jesus?

A. Jesus’ righteousness is imputed to me by faith alone.

Q4. Which blessings do you receive by such a faith?

A. Because of Jesus, God accepts me as His child and forgives all my sins.

Q5. What prayer should you pray, when your sins trouble you?

A. Lord, cover all my sins with the righteousness of Jesus, my only Savior.

High School Memory:

1. What is the most important of the means of grace?

The word of God.

2. What is a means of grace?

A way to grow in sanctification.

3. What is the law?

What we are to do.

4. What is the gospel?

What Jesus has done.

5. What is one difference between the word as a means of grace and the sacraments as a means of grace?

The word is absolutely necessary; the sacraments are not.

6. What is another difference between the word as a means of grace and the sacraments as means of grace?

The word gives us faith; the sacraments strengthen faith.

7. What is a sacrament?

A visible sign of an invisible grace.

8. What do Protestants teach about the number of sacraments over against the Roman Catholics?

Protestants hold to two; Roman Catholics seven.