Catechism Memorization for April 28

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. How did Jesus teach us to address God?

A. He commanded us to say, “Our Father in heaven”.

Q2. For what are we to ask first?

A. We should pray first that God may be praised and glorified.

Q3. May we also pray for ourselves?

A. Yes. Jesus teaches us to pray for the needs of our bodies and our souls.

Q4. Can God answer our prayers?

A. Yes. He can and will answer, because all kingdom and power and glory belong to Him.

Q5. How do we confess our faith that God will hear and answer prayer?

A. We confess our faith by saying “Amen”, which means it shall surely be.

Catechism Memorization for April 21

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. What is prayer?

A. Prayer is calling upon God in petition and praise.

Q2. Why must we pray?

A. Because God gives His grace and Holy Spirit only to those who ask.

Q3. How should we call on God in prayer?

A. We should pray in reverence, submission, and faith.

Q4. In whose name are we to come to God?

A. We may come to God in prayer only in the name of Jesus our Savior.

Q5. For what may we pray?

A. We may pray for all we need for body and soul, as Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer.

Catechism Memorization for April 14

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. What law has God given us for our daily lives?

A. He has given us the Ten Commandments.

Q2. Why must we try to keep this law?

A. Because God has rescued us from the slavery of sin through Jesus Christ.

Q3. Which laws are found on the first table?

1. You shall have no other gods.

2. You shall not make an idol.

3. You shall not misuse God’s name.

4. You must keep the Sabbath day holy.

Q4. Which laws are found on the second table?

5. Honor your father and your mother.

6. You shall not murder.

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not give false testimony.

10. You shall not covet.

Q5. How does God want us to keep His law?

A. We must keep His law with love in our hearts for Him and for our neighbors.

High School Memory Work:

Q1. Why does God forbid all covetousness?

A. God forbids this sin, so that no desire contrary to his will may arise in our hearts. (James 1:14, 15)

Q2. But can those who are converted to God keep these commandments perfectly?

A. No, even the holiest men in this life have only a small beginning of this obedience. Yet they desire to live according to all God’s commandments. (Romans 7:21, 22)

Q3. Why, then, must this law be so strictly preached?

A. God will have his law strictly preached, so that we may learn to know our sinfulness better, may daily seek forgiveness in Christ, and may continually ask for the grace and help of his Holy Spirit. (Galatians 3:19; James 2:12)