Memorization for November 3, 2024

Junior High:

Q1. Where can we find a summary of what Christians believe?

A. We can find this in the Apostle’s Creed.

Q2. What do Christians confess in this creed?

A. The words of the Apostles creed are these:

  • I Believe in God the Father, Almighty,

  • Maker of heaven and earth.

  • And in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord;

  • Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary;

  • Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried,

  • He descended into hell;

  • The third day He rose again from the dead;

  • He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;

  • From there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

  • I believe in the Holy Spirit.

  • I believe a holy catholic Church,

  • the communion of saints

  • The forgiveness of sins;

  • The resurrection of the body;

  • And the life everlasting.

Q3. How do the Bible and this creed describe God?

A. He is described as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Q4. Do we believe in three gods?

A. No, there is only one God, but He is revealed in three Persons.

Q5. What is this doctrine called?

A. This is called the Trinity.

Senior High:

Chapter 21: Justification

1. What is justification?

God declaring us righteous.

2. How can God declare us righteous when even the best person is full of unrighteousness?

Because God imputes to us the righteousness of Christ.

3. When is a sinner justified?

The moment he believes in Jesus.

4. What is the righteousness of Christ?

His active and passive obedience.

5. What is the active obedience of Christ?

Her perfect obedience to God's law.

6. What is the passive obedience of Christ?

Jesus was punished in our place.

Memorization for October 27

Junior High: (review lesson; same memory as last week)

Q1. Will everyone be saved by the Mediator Jesus Christ?

A. No, only those who receive Him by a true faith will be saved.

Q2. What is true faith?

A. It is the faith that knows Christ and trusts Him.

Q3. How do we learn to know Christ and trust Him?

A. We learn this from the Bible.

Q4. Why must we believe all that the Bible contains?

A. Because it is the infallible Word of God.

Q5. How do we get true faith?

A. True faith is a gift from God which the Holy Spirit works in our hearts.

Senior High:

1. Who is the agent in regeneration?

God alone.

2. Who is the agent in conversion?

The sinner.

3. What does the sinner do?

He repents and believes.

4. Does regeneration or conversion take place in the conscious life of the believer?


5. What is repentance?

Turning from sin.

6. What is faith?

Taking refuge in Jesus.

7. What is assurance?

The confidence that my sins are forgiven.

Memorization for October 20

Junior High:

Q1. Will everyone be saved by the Mediator Jesus Christ?

A. No, only those who receive Him by a true faith will be saved.

Q2. What is true faith?

A. It is the faith that knows Christ and trusts Him.

Q3. How do we learn to know Christ and trust Him?

A. We learn this from the Bible.

Q4. Why must we believe all that the Bible contains?

A. Because it is the infallible Word of God.

Q5. How do we get true faith?

A. True faith is a gift from God which the Holy Spirit works in our hearts.

Senior High:

1. Who is the agent in regeneration?

God alone.

2. Who is the agent in conversion?

The sinner.

3. What does the sinner do?

He repents and believes.

4. Does regeneration or conversion take place in the conscious life of the believer?


5. What is repentance?

Turning from sin.

6. What is faith?

Taking refuge in Jesus.

7. What is assurance?

The confidence that my sins are forgiven.

Memorization for October 13

Junior High:

Q1. Can we save ourselves from sin?

A. No, by our sins we increase our guilt daily.

Q2. How can we be saved?

A. Only by God’s Son, our Mediator.

Q3. Why is God’s Son called the Mediator?

A. He stands between God and sinful man.

Q4. Why does He stand between these two parties?

A. To bring man back to God.

Q5. Did man ask God for a Mediator?

A. No, God freely gave us His Son (John 3:16).


Senior High:

1. What do we mean here by calling?

It is God’s invitation to salvation.

2. What distinction do we make in God’s calling of sinners to salvation?

external and internal.

3. What is God’s external call to salvation?

A call to trust in Jesus for salvation.

4. What is God’s internal call to salvation?

It is the new birth.

5. What is the new birth?

It is the operation of the Holy Spirit whereby we come to love what we once hated and to hate once what we once loved.

6. Who are called by God’s external call?


7. Who are called by God’s internal call?

Only God’s elect.

8. What is another difference between the internal and external call?

Only the internal call results in salvation.

9. Why is the internal call necessary if anyone is going to be saved?

Because we are totally depraved.

Memorization for October 6

Junior High:

Q1. Why does Adam’s sin make us sinful?

A. Because Adam is the father of us all.

Q2. Is every person in the world a sinner?

A. Yes, everyone is born with a sinful nature.

Q3. What does it mean that we have a sinful nature?

A. Sinful thoughts, words, and deeds come out of our hearts.

Q4. Does God punish men for their sin?

A. Yes, both in this life and in eternity.

Q5. Why does God punish sin?

A. Because He is a righteous and holy God.

Senior High:

1. What do we mean here by calling?

It is God’s invitation to salvation.

2. What distinction do we make in God’s calling of sinners to salvation?

external and internal.

3. What is God’s external call to salvation?

A call to trust in Jesus for salvation.

4. What is God’s internal call to salvation?

It is the new birth.

5. What is the new birth?

It is the operation of the Holy Spirit whereby we come to love what we once hated and to hate once what we once loved.

6. Who are called by God’s external call?


7. Who are called by God’s internal call?

Only God’s elect.

8. What is another difference between the internal and external call?

Only the external call results in salvation.

9. Why is the internal call necessary if anyone is going to be saved?

Because we are totally depraved.