Like His brothers

Text: For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, (Hebrews 2:11)

Catechism Question: What does it mean that He “was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary”?

Answer: That the eternal Son of God, who is and remains true and eternal God, took to Himself, through the working of the Holy Spirit, from the flesh and blood of the virgin Mary, a true human nature so that He might also become David’s true descendant, like His brothers in all things except for sin.


I. Jesus better than the angels


Prooftext: Psalm 8

II. Objection

Human eyes:

Eyes of faith:

III. God’s Plan

Suffering, humiliation, death, for what?

Result: brothers & sisters

Application 1: God’s Plan

God the Father

God the Son

Our faith

1 Peter 1:17f

Application 2: God Speaks

Application 3: Our Faith

Through Christ to the Father

Jesus Christ, considered as mediator, is the next, but not the ultimate object of our faith and hope. We so believe in Him as by Him to believe in God, that is, the Father, whose love is the supreme fountain and spring of our salvation; which the apostle manifests in that double instance of His raising up Christ and giving Him glory, thereby declaring Himself the principal Author of the great work of His mediation. This He directs us unto, so to believe in Christ as that, discerning in and by Him the grace, good-will, and love of the Father Himself towards us, we may be encouraged to fix our faith and hope on Him, seeing He Himself loveth us. …and we thus place our faith in God the Father, when we conceive of Him [Jesus] as the sovereign Leader of us unto glory, by all the instances before mentioned. And then doth faith find rest in Him, delight, complacency, and satisfaction. --Owen