The Path of Life Blocked

“…through one man sin entered into the world” Rom 5:12

Intro: Man’s Corrupt Nature

Q7 - Then where does man’s corrupt nature come from?

A. From the fall and disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in Paradise. This fall has so poisoned our nature that we are all conceived and born in sin.

I. The Tree of Life

Benefit gained by eating

II. The Tree of Knowledge, Good, & Evil

Benefit gained by not eating

A positive law

What is good? evil?

Genesis 3:22

III. The Covenant of Works

Adam on probation

Hosea 6:7

Romans 5:18, 19

Application 1: This our Covenant

Application 2: Access to the Tree of Life

Application 3: The Second Adam

It is Finished!

Only two people in the world