Between Two Easters

I shall not die but live and tell of the works of the LORD. (Psalm 118:17)

Intro: The Two Easters

I. Paul’s Preaching

Paul’s creed

II. Will Believers Rise?

Corinthians doubting the resurrection

III. Did Jesus Rise?


Already risen (John 5:24; 1Cor 15:55)

Application 1: The Millennium

  • Christ’s 1st coming, death, & resurrection

    Christ’s 2nd coming

    1. resurrection of believers only

    2. Death not eliminated

    3. All people still living and those who return with Christ enter into the millennium (people continue to die)

    After 1000 yrs, Christ’s 3rd coming

    1. unbelievers resurrected and turned into hell

    2. believers brought into heaven

    3. death eliminated (1Cor 15:51f),

    4. eternity begins

  • Christ’s 1st coming, death, & resurrection

    Christ’s 2nd coming

    1. resurrection of all the dead,

    2. unbelievers turned into hell,

    3. believers brought into heaven,

    4. death eliminated (1Cor 15:51f),

    5. eternity begins.

Application 2: First Easter points to Victory

It is finished, what does it mean?

Application 3: First Easter points to a Kingdom

Why so busy here?