Under the Curse

And there shall be no curse… (Rev 22:3)

Intro: The Path of Life

Q10. Will God permit such disobedience and rebellion to go unpunished?

A.Certainly not. He is terribly angry with the sin we are born with as well as our actual sins. God will punish them by a just judgment both now and in eternity, having declared: “Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all the things written in the book of the law.”

Q11. But isn’t God also merciful?

A.God is certainly merciful, but He is also just. His justice demands that sin, committed against His supreme majesty, be punished with the supreme penalty—eternal punishment of body and soul.

I. The Doctrine

original & actual sin

II. The Curse




III. Mt Gerizim & Mt Ebal

IV. Eternal Punishment

Application 1: We under the curse



Application 2: Jesus under the curse

In Gethsemane

On the cross

In conclusion