Jesus Our Ransom

Deliver him from going down into the pit, I have found a ransom. Job 33:24

Intro: Jesus & Paul

Finding illustrations

I. The Context


II. The Metaphor

Exodus 21:30 -

Isaiah 45:13 -

Proverbs 13:8 -

III. The Text

Truth #1:

Truth #2:

Truth #3:

Truth #4:

Application 1: Terminology


Application 2: Shame

Christians! would not your hearts rise against him that should kill your father, mother, brother, wife, husband; dearest relations in all the world! 0h then, how should your hearts and souls rise against sin? Surely your sin it was, that murdered Christ, that killed him, who is instead of all relations, who is a thousand, thousand times dearer to you, than father, mother, husband, child, or whomsoever; one thought of this should, methinks, be enough to make you say, as Job did, “I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes,” (Job 42:9)

Oh! what is that cross on the back of Christ ? My sins; oh! what is that crown on the head of Christ? My sins; oh! what is the nail in the right-hand, and that other in the left-hand of Christ? My sins; oh! what is that spear in the side of Christ? My sins; what are those nails and wounds in the feet of Christ? My sins.

With a spiritual eye I see no other engine tormenting Christ, no other Pilate, Herod, Annas, Caiaphas condemning Christ, no other soldiers, officers, Jews, or Gentiles, doing execution on Christ, but only sin: oh my sins, my sins, my sins! Isaac Ambrose, Looking Unto Jesus

Application 3: Salvation
