Jehoshaphat’s Prayer

For we are powerless before this great multitude who are coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You. (2Chron 20:12)

I. The Invasion

II. The Response




III. The Prayer


Prior Commitments







IV. Using the Promises of God

A full surrender

To open the matter by a similitude: Suppose that Christ came again on earth as He did at His incarnation, and should confirm His truth by the same miracles, and other means; and suppose He should then tell all the country, I have a kingdom at the Antipodes, where men never die, but live in perpetual prosperity; and those of you shall freely possess it, who shall part with your own estates and country, and go in a ship of My providing, and trust Me for your pilot to bring you thither, and trust Me to give it you when you come there. My power to do all this, I have proved by My miracles, and My love and will, my offer proveth.

How now will you know whether a man believe Christ, and trust this promise or not? Why, if he believe and trust Him, he will go with Him, and will leave all, and venture over the seas whithersoever He conducteth him, and in that ship which He prepareth for him: but if he dare not venture or will not leave his present country and possessions, it is a sign that he doth not trust Him.

Doubting soul, let this resolve thee; suppose Christ and His way were like a pilot with his ship at sea: many more [sailors] promise to convey thee safely, and many persuade thee not to venture [with Christ], but stay at land: but if thou hast so much trust as that thou wilt go, and put thyself, and all that thou hast into this ship, and forsake all other, though thou go trembling all the way, and be afraid of every storm, and tempest, and gulf; yet thou hast true faith, though it be weak. If thy faith will but keep thee in the ship with Christ, that thou neither turn back again to the flesh, and the world; nor yet take another ship and pilot, undoubtedly Christ will bring thee safe to land, though thy fear and mistrust be still thy sin. --Richard Baxter

And there came a scribe, and said unto him, “Teacher, I will follow you thee wherever you go.” (Matthew 8:19)