The History of Creation

Text: And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31)


I. Why Genesis?

Israel in Egypt

First reason:

“For God… clothes Himself, so to speak, with the image of the world, in which he would present Himself to our contemplation. They who will not deign to behold Him thus magnificently arrayed in the incomparable vesture of the heavens and the earth, afterwards suffer the just punishment of their proud contempt in their own ravings. Therefore, as soon as the name of God sounds in our ears, or the thought of Him occurs to our minds, let us also clothe Him with this most beautiful ornament; finally, let the world become our school if we desire rightly to know God.” Calvin, Genesis

Second reason:

II. The History

The introduction:

The word:

The fulfillment:

The naming:

The divine commendation:

The conclusion:

Nine creative acts

“The intention of Moses, in beginning his book with the creation of the world, is to render God visible to us in his works.” --Calvin, Genesis

III. The Days

The literal and non-literal meanings: Gen 2:4, 17; 8:22

Objection 1:

Objection 2:

IV. Israel

Application: The Earth a Temple

A theater

“For the little birds that sing, sing of God; the beasts clamor for Him; the elements dread Him, the mountains echo Him, the fountains and flowing waters cast their glances at Him, and the grass and flowers laugh before Him.” source

“…a most beautiful book…”