Jesus’ Way with Jairus

A Communion Sermon

Text:Do not be afraid any longer; only believe…” (Luke 8:50)

Intro: The Sacraments & Faith

The most important gift (1Cor 13:13)

Miracles & Faith

Parables & Repentance

Roman Catholic Doctrine

“We receive these by faith, which is the hand and mouth of our souls.” Art. 35 Confession

I. Who was he?

Ruler of the synagogue

II. His request

Only daughter

…at the point of death.

III. His faith


Come to my house cf. Matthew 8:8

The messenger

Jesus’ response to his faith

Luke 8:50

IV. Jesus’ way with him


Visible demonstration

V. His despair

“…do not trouble the Teacher anymore.”

VI. The law of the kingdom

Mark 9:23

Matthew 19:26

Distribution of the bread:

Distribution of the wine: