Memory Work For October 15

Junior High Memory:

1. Will God allow this disobedience to go unpunished?

Indeed not, for he is displeased with both our original and actual sins and will punish them in time and in eternity. (Matt. 10:28)

2. Is not God unjust in requiring of us what we cannot perform?

No, for God made man capable of obeying him, but man wilfully sins against God.

3. But is not God merciful?

God is indeed merciful, but he is also just. Therefore all sin against the most high majesty of God will be punished with extreme, that is everlasting, punishment in body and soul. (II Thess. 1:9,10)

Senior High Memory Work:

Q1. Can we save ourselves from sin?

A. No, by our sins we increase our guilt daily.

Q2. How can we be saved?

A. Only by God’s Son, our Mediator.

Q3. Why is God’s Son called the Mediator?

A. He stands between God and sinful man.

Q4. Why does He stand between these two parties?

A. To bring man back to God.

Q5. Did man ask God for a Mediator?

A. No, God freely gave us His Son. (John 3:16)