Memory Work for November 26

Middle School Memorization:

Q1. Why was our Savior humbled?

A. He took the guilt of our sin upon Himself.

Q2. How was He humbled?

A. He left heaven’s glory to suffer and die for us.

Q3. When did Christ suffer?

A. He suffered all the days of His life on earth.

Q4. Where did He suffer the most?

A. In the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross.

Q5. Why was He crucified?

A. He was crucified to bear the curse of God against our sin.

Q6. What moved Christ to suffer so much?

A. He suffered because He loved His Father and He loved His people.

High School Memorization:

Q1. How did God’s only-begotten Son become man for our salvation?

He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, thus taking to himself our human nature, both body and soul, yet without sin. (Luke 1:35)

Q2. What did Christ suffer?

All his days on earth, but especially towards the end of his life, Christ bore for us the wrath of God against sin. (1 Peter 3:18)

Q3. Why did Christ have to die on the cross?

By this death, in which Christ was rejected by both God and man, he took the curse of sin from us upon Himself. (Gal. 3:13)

Q4. Since Christ died for us, why must we still die?

Our death is no longer a payment for sin, but rather a dying to this sinful life and an entering into eternal life. (Phil. 1:23)

Q5. What does it mean that Christ descended into hell?

This means that he suffered all the terrors of being forsaken by God, so that in my greatest temptations I may be assured that God for Christ’s sake will never forsake me. (Matt. 27:46)