Memory Work for December 3

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. Did Jesus remain in the grave?

A. No, He arose from the dead on the third day.

Q2. Why could death no longer hold Jesus?

A. He paid for all our sins and so had broken the power of death.

Q3. Did the risen Christ remain on earth?

A. No. After forty days He ascended into heaven.

Q4. What does the resurrection of Christ mean for us?

A. It means that Christ will raise us up, for death will have no power over us.

Q5. What does the ascension of Christ mean for us?

A. It means that He is praying for us, sends us His Spirit, and will take us to meet Him in heaven.

High School Memory Work:

1. Did Christ remain under the power of death?

Indeed not, for on the third day He was raised for our justification, assuring us of complete victory over sin, death and hell. (Romans 4:24, 25)

2. Where is Christ now?

He ascended into heaven and continues there for our sake, until He comes again to judge the living and the dead. (Acts 3:20, 21)

3. But is He not with us until the end of the world?

As God He remains with us in his power, grace and Spirit, but his human nature remains in heaven until He shall come again at the end of the ages.

4. What comfort do you derive from Christ’s ascension?

Because He has ascended, I believe that He always prays for His people, rules over all things, and is preparing a place in His eternal kingdom for all who love and serve Him. (John 14:3)

5. What comfort do you derive from his coming again?

In all my sorrows and trials I am assured that He will come again to punish his enemies and take me with all his people into everlasting blessedness. (2 Thessalonians 1:6, 7)