Memory Work for November 12

Memory Work for Middle School:

Q1. Why is God called Father?

A. He is the Father of creation, the Father of Jesus, and the Father of believers

Q2. Why is He called the Father of creation?

A. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).

Q3. How did God create all things?

A. God made all things out of nothing in 6 days.

Q4. Why is He called the Father of Jesus?

A. Because Jesus is His only begotten Son.

Q5. Why is He called the Father of all believers?

A. He has adopted us in Christ to be His children.

Q6. What does it mean for you that you are a child of God?

A. God will take care of me and provide for my needs.

Q7. What is God’s care for His world called?

A. Providence

Memory Work for High School:

Q1. What do you confess concerning God the Father?

I confess that He is the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who of nothing made heaven, earth and all things therein. (Acts 14:15)

Q2. How has He become your God and Father?

He has become my Father for Christ’s sake, so that I believe and trust that He will provide me with all things necessary for body and soul. (John 14:6)

Q3. How do you account for the evils and sorrows which come upon you?

I believe these are under His control so that, when they come, He is both able and willing to turn them to my good. (Rom. 8:28; Amos 3:6)

Q4. What do you understand by God’s providence?

God’s providence is His almighty and everywhere-present power by which He governs all things, so that they come not by chance but by His fatherly hand. (Acts 14:17)

Q5. What comfort does this knowledge give you?

It enables me to be patient in adversity, thankful in prosperity, and filled with confidence that He will always love and care for me. (Matthew 7:11)