Memory Work for January 21

Middle School Memory:

Q1. Show that the Holy Spirit is a person.

A. The Bible tells us that He speaks and searches and prays and can be grieved.

Q2. Why is He called the life-giving Spirit?

A. Because He gives life both in creation and in salvation.

Q3. What work does the Spirit do in our hearts?

A. He regenerates us, teaches us God’s truth, and abides with us forever.

High School Memory:

1. What does it profit you, that you believe all this?

That by faith I am righteous in Christ before God. (Rom. 3:28)

2. What is this justification by faith?

It is that, although I have grievously sinned against God and have kept none of his commandments, God without any merit of mine freely grants and imputes to me the perfect righteousness of Christ my Savior. (2 Cor. 5:18,19)

3. But can’t your good works be your righteousness before God?

Indeed not, for even my best works are imperfect and stained with sin. (Isa. 64:6)

4. But doesn’t the Bible teach that God rewards good works?

Yes, but this reward is not of merit but of grace. (Luke 17:10)

5. Will not such a doctrine make me careless and profane?

No, for all who truly receive Christ by faith desire to show thankfulness to God. (Matthew 7:18)