Memory Work for February 25

Middle School Memory:

Q1. What is the Lord’s Supper?

A. It is the sacrament in which we remember and believe that Jesus died for our sins.

Q2. What did Jesus use in the Lord’s Supper?

He took bread and wine to point to His broken body and shed blood.

Q3. Who may come to the Lord’s Supper?

A. Only those who confess their sins, trust in Jesus, and desire to walk in His ways.

Q4. What does the Holy Spirit do in the Lord’s Supper?

A. The Holy Spirit works in our hearts to strengthen our faith in Jesus.

Q5. What is needed before we may come to the Lord’s Supper?

A. We must first examine our hearts and lives, and confess our faith before the church.

High School Memory:

1. Since we are saved by grace only, why must we still do good works?

Because Christ who redeemed us also renews our lives by his Holy Spirit, so that we may show true thankfulness to him. (Rom. 12:1)

2. What is the chief reason for doing good works?

That in all things God may be praised and glorified by us. (Matthew 5:16)

3. Which benefits result from our good works?

By good works we are assured of the sincerity of our faith, and our neighbors may be won for Christ. (Galatians 6:9)

4. Can they be saved who continue in sin and unthankfulness?

By no means, for the Bible teaches that such persons shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (1 John 3:10)