Memory work for March 3

Middle School Memory:

Review week; learn the same questions as last week.

High School Memory:

1. What is true conversion?

True conversion is a daily dying to our sinful self and a living according to God’s will in good works. (Colossians 3:5)

2. But what are good works?

Only those which proceed from true faith, are done according to God’s law, and strive to praise him. (Romans 14:23)

3. What is God’s law according to which we must order our lives?

God’s law for our lives is clearly revealed in both the Old and New Testaments, of which we find a summary in the Ten Commandments. (James 1:25)

4. How are the Ten Commandments divided?

Into two tables, the first of which declares the duties we owe to God and the second of which declares the duties we owe to our neighbor. (1 John 5:2)