Memory Work for February 11

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. Who works saving faith in us?

A. The Holy Spirit alone can work that faith in us.

Q2. How does He work this faith?

A. He works that faith by opening our hearts to Gospel preaching.

Q3. What is true faith?

A. It is the faith that knows Christ and trusts Him.

Q4. How was Lydia’s faith strengthened?

A. Her faith was strengthened by receiving baptism for herself and her household.

Q5. How did Lydia show thankfulness to God for salvation?

A. She opened her home to Paul and his helpers.

High School Memory Work:

1. Why has Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper?

He has given this sacrament, so that in true repentance and faith we may remember him by it and show forth his death until he comes again. (I Cor. 11:26)

2. What benefit does the believer receive from the Supper?

By this Supper Christ feeds and nourishes us in a true faith and so unites us to himself by his Holy Spirit, that we as members of his body become bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. (John 6:51,56)

3. Why must believers faithfully come to this Supper?

Because this is plainly commanded in Scripture, and God grants his blessing only to those who trust and obey. (Luke 22:19)

4. But is this Supper, then, instituted for everybody?

Indeed not, it is only for those who have truly examined themselves. (I Cor. 11:28)

5. How can we rightly examine ourselves?

We must find in our hearts and lives: first, a holy displeasure with ourselves because of our sins; second, a sincere trust in Christ as our only Savior and Lord; and third, an earnest desire to live a godly life.