Memorization for January 26

Junior High Memory:

Q1. Show that the Holy Spirit is a person.

A. The Bible tells us that He speaks and searches and prays and can be grieved.

Q2. Why is He called the life-giving Spirit?

A. Because He gives life both in creation and in salvation.

Q3. What work does the Spirit do in our hearts?

A. He regenerates us, teaches us God’s truth, and abides with us forever.

High School Memory:

1.  Who is the head of the church?

Jesus Christ.

2.  Who are the extraordinary officers of the church?

The apostles.

3.  Who are the ordinary officers of the church?

Elders and deacons.

4.  How does the power of the church differ from the power of the state?

Church power is spiritual; state power is physical.