Junior High Memory:
Memory Work:
Q1. Did Jesus remain in the grave?
A. No, He arose from the dead on the third day.
Q2. Why could death no longer hold Jesus?
A. He paid for all our sins and so had broken the power of death.
Q3. Did the risen Christ remain on earth?
A. No. After 40 days He ascended into heaven.
Q4. What does the resurrection of Christ mean for us?
A. It means that Christ will raise us up, for death will have no power over us.
Q5. What does the ascension of Christ mean for us?
A. It means that He is praying for us, sends us His Spirit, and will take us to meet Him in heaven.
High School Memory:
1. What is the church?
A gathering of God's people.
2. What is the church militant?
The fighting church on earth.
3. What is the church triumphant?
The victorious church in heaven.
4. What is the visible church?
All those who profess faith in Christ.
5. What is the invisible church?
All truly regenerate Christians.
6. What is the most important mark of the true church?
Biblical preaching.
7. What is another mark of the true church?
Biblical administration of the sacraments.
8. What is the final mark of the true church?
Biblical church discipline.