Memory Work for February 4

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. Can we take away our sin?

A. We cannot take away our sin because we are guilty before God.

Q2. Who alone can take our guilt away?

A. Only Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to earn our righteousness before God.

Q3. How can you receive the righteousness of Jesus?

A. Jesus’ righteousness is imputed to me by faith alone.

Q4. Which blessings do you receive by such a faith?

A. Because of Jesus, God accepts me as His child and forgives all my sins.

Q5. What prayer should you pray, when your sins trouble you?

A. Lord, cover all my sins with the righteousness of Jesus, my only Savior.

High School Memory Work:

1. What does Baptism signify and seal to you?

It signifies and seals to me that as water washes my body, so Christ by his blood and Spirit washes me from all my sins. (Acts 22:16)

2. Is the outward washing with water the same as the washing away of sins?

Indeed not. Only Christ can cleanse me from my sins, which forgiveness I must receive by a true faith. (I Cor. 6:11)

3. Should children of believing parents receive baptism?

Yes, since God himself gives them his promises and places them in his covenant and his church. (Acts 2:39; I Cor. 7:14)

4. Which benefits do we receive in baptism?

In baptism God assures us that he will be our Father, thus cleansing us from sin, separating us from the world, and providing us with all things needful in this life and in the world to come.

5. To what does baptism obligate us?

All who receive baptism must repent of their sins, seek their salvation only in Christ, pray daily for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives, and walk in the ways of the Lord. (Acts 3:19)

Memory Work for January 28

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. What is the church of Christ?

A. It is the gathering of all true believers and their children.

Q2. How is the church gathered together?

A. Christ gathers His church by His Spirit and Word.

Q3. Where does Christ gather His church?

A. He gathers His people out of all nations and different kinds of people.

Q4. Where do we find the true church?

A. The true church is found wherever the Gospel is purely preached and sincerely believed.

Q5. Which blessings does Christ give the church?

A. He gives the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

Q6. What is the duty of all believers?

A. Believers are called to speak out for God and to live for His service.

High School Memory Work:

1. Whence comes such a true faith?

From the Holy Spirit, who works it in our hearts by the preaching of the gospel. (Eph. 2:8)

2. How does he strengthen and preserve that faith?

By the same preaching of the word and by the sacraments. (Hebr. 10:15).

3. What are the sacraments?

They are holy signs and seals, instituted by Christ, to teach and seal to us the gospel, so that we may be assured that we belong to him. (Rom. 4:11)

4. To what, then, do the sacraments point?

Both baptism and the Lord’s Supper point to our Lord Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice on the cross is the only foundation of our salvation. (Rom. 6:3)

Memory Work for January 21

Middle School Memory:

Q1. Show that the Holy Spirit is a person.

A. The Bible tells us that He speaks and searches and prays and can be grieved.

Q2. Why is He called the life-giving Spirit?

A. Because He gives life both in creation and in salvation.

Q3. What work does the Spirit do in our hearts?

A. He regenerates us, teaches us God’s truth, and abides with us forever.

High School Memory:

1. What does it profit you, that you believe all this?

That by faith I am righteous in Christ before God. (Rom. 3:28)

2. What is this justification by faith?

It is that, although I have grievously sinned against God and have kept none of his commandments, God without any merit of mine freely grants and imputes to me the perfect righteousness of Christ my Savior. (2 Cor. 5:18,19)

3. But can’t your good works be your righteousness before God?

Indeed not, for even my best works are imperfect and stained with sin. (Isa. 64:6)

4. But doesn’t the Bible teach that God rewards good works?

Yes, but this reward is not of merit but of grace. (Luke 17:10)

5. Will not such a doctrine make me careless and profane?

No, for all who truly receive Christ by faith desire to show thankfulness to God. (Matthew 7:18)

Memory Work for January 14

Middle School Memory:

Review Week; see previous week’s questions.

High School Memory:

Q1. How does Christ gather and defend his church?

By the preaching of his gospel, which the Spirit applies savingly to the hearts and lives of his people. (Acts 9:31)

Q2. What is the true church?

It is the congregation of true believers, chosen to eternal life, and endowed with saving faith. (1 Peter 1:2)

Q3. Where can we find this church?

It is found wherever God’s Word is purely preached, the sacraments are rightly administered, and church discipline is faithfully exercised.

Q4. How does the church show itself as communion of the saints?

By receiving in faith the gifts of Christ and using them for the welfare and salvation of others. (1 Corinthians 12:8, 25)

Q5. Which benefits do you receive as a living member of the church?

In the gospel the Holy Spirit assures me of the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life. (Romans 8:11)

Memory Work for January 7

Middle School memory:

Q1. Where is Jesus now?

A. He is in heaven sitting at the right hand of His Father.

Q2. What does it mean that He is sitting at God’s right hand?

A. This means that God has given Him authority over all of heaven and earth.

Q3. Why has God given all authority to Christ?

A. So that He may rule and protect His people on earth.

Q4. What else does Jesus do for us?

A. He prays for us constantly.

Q5. Is Jesus with us on earth as He promised?

A. Yes, He is always with us through His Holy Spirit.

Q6. Will Jesus come again?

A. He will come in great glory to judge the living and the dead.

High School memory:

Q1. Who is the Holy Spirit?

He is the third person of the blessed Trinity, one in essence with the Father and the Son. (Acts 5:3, 4)

Q2. How have you received the Holy Spirit?

He has been given to me by God the Father, for Christ’s sake, to regenerate me, lead me into the truth, comfort me, and abide with me forever. (John 16:13, 14)

Q3. How do you receive these benefits of the Holy Spirit?

Only as a living member of the church which Christ himself gathers, defends, and preserves in the true faith. (1 Thessalonians 1:4, 5)