What is a church?


I.  Jesus’ question

This is the church

II.  The church’s origin

1Peter 1:20; Eph 1:3

III.  The church in the OT

Exodus 12

IV.  The church in the NT

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand…”

Luke 17:20, 21

A gathering - Acts 19:32, 39, 41

Upon this rock, I will build…

V.  The church in eternity

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God…

Application #1:  Gathering

Confession art. 27, 28

“religionless Christianity”

church & children

Application #2:  Christ the Builder

Question: What do you believe concerning “the holy catholic church”?

Answer: I believe that the Son of God through his Spirit and Word, out of the entire human race, from the beginning of the world to its end, gathers, protects, and preserves for Himself a community chosen for eternal life and united in true faith.  And of this community I am and always will be a living member.

A promise

Application #3:  Imperfect

Revelation 7