Building our house

Intro:  What is true religion?

[Some think true religion is] in the understanding, in orthodox notions and opinions; and all the account they can give of their religion is, that they are of this or the other persuasion, and have joined themselves to one of those many sects whereinto Christendom is most unhappily divided. 

Others place it in a constant course of external duties, and a model of performances; if they live peaceably with their neighbors, keep a temperate diet, observe the returns of worship, frequenting the church, or their closet, and sometimes extend their hands to the relief of the poor, they think they have sufficiently acquitted themselves. 

Others again put all religion in the affections, in rapturous heats and ecstatic devotion; and all they aim at, is to pray with passion, and think of heaven with pleasure, and to be affected with those kind and melting expressions wherewith they court their Savior, till they persuade themselves that they are mightily in love with him, and from thence assume a great confidence of their salvation, which they esteem the chief of Christian graces.   Scougal, The Life of God in the Soul of Man

1. Building & establishing

2. Beautification

How to decorate our house

3. Strength

Times of crisis

4. Usefulness

Opening your mouth

5. Honey

Tasting the things of God

Application:  How to put this into practice?

Article 40 URCNA Church Order - Catechetical Preaching

At one of the services each Lord's Day, the minister shall ordinarily preach the Word as summarized in the Three Forms of Unity, with special attention given to the Heidelberg Catechism by treating its Lord's Days in sequence.

Preaching the catechism or preaching Scripture?

The goal