The Unveiling of the Promise

For the promise is for you and your children…” Acts 2:39

Intro: The Bible’s Theme

Does the Bible have one grand, overarching message?

I. Psalm 2

v1-3 treason

v4-6 plenipotentiary

v7-12 the mission & the Promise

II. The Message of all Scripture

Treason: Adam, the flood, Babel, Israel, Prophets, Revelation

This belief of the being of a God, they perceive would be a thing very much cross to their strongest inclinations and appetites. It would disturb them and create them a great deal of uneasiness in their pursuit of their pleasures, to think that there is an almighty Being that has them and all things in his hands, and that perfectly hates sin, and will revenge it; that beholds them continually and sees their hearts and all their secret actions. They have no inclination that it should be thus. It is what they could heartily wish for, that they could be assured it were otherwise, that there was no supreme Being to take notice of their behavior and call them to an account. They have disposition enough to dethrone God or to kill him if it lay in their power. --Edwards

Jesus: Eve, Abraham, David, the King

Promise: OT worship, Ps 32, John 3:16

Application 1: Our Confession

Canons Head 1; articles 1, 2, 3, 4

Application 2: All Scripture points to Jesus

All Scripture; all preaching

Application 3: Decision

The promise unveiled

Hell is real, hell is terrible, hell is eternal, hell is ________.