What the Law Does

my sin is ever before me. Ps 51:3

Intro: First stop on the path of life

A doctor’s visit

Heidelberg Catechism Question #3: How do you come to know your misery?

A. The law of God tells me.

Romans 6 - union with Christ, then Romans 7

I. Romans 7:7-13

v7 - Is there a problem with the law?

v8 - The law awakens

v9 - The law kills

v13 - Sin becomes sin

II. Conclusions:

Truth 1:

Truth 2:

Truth 3:

Truth 4:

Truth 5:

Application 1: See your psychologist

It’s not your fault

Application 2: Owning it

Our death sentence

Application 3: Don’t dismiss

𝄞 Oh for a closer walk with thee… ♫