False Prophets

Beloved, do not believe every spirit… (1John 4:1)

Intro: Offices in Israel

I. A Prophet - Deut 18:18

II. A False Prophet

III. The Wall the False Prophets Build

It’s construction

It’s destruction


Application 1: Deception


Application 2: Testing Truth Claims

The principle characteristic

God’s gift

A caution

Jude 20

Application 3: Satan’s Trick

Seek after the truth, for the love of truth, and love it especially for its special use, as it formeth the heart and life to the image and will of God; and not for the fanciful delight of knowing; much less for carnal, worldly ends. No means are used at all as means, where the end is not first determined of. And to do the same thing materially to another end, is not indeed to do the same; for thereby it is made another thing. Your physician will come to you if you seek to him as a physician; but not if you send to him to mend your shoes. So if you seek knowledge for the true ends of knowledge, to fill your hearts with the love of God, and guide your lives in holiness and righteousness, God is engaged to help you in the search. But if you seek it only for to please your pride or fancy, no wonder if you miss of it; and it is no great matter whether you find it or not, for any good it is like to do you. Every truth of God is appointed to be His instrument, to do some holy work upon your heart: let the love of holiness be it that maketh you search after truth, and then you may expect that God should be your teacher. --Baxter

Application 4: The True Prophet