The Image of God

know that the LORD has set apart the godly for Himself. Psalm 4:3

Intro: Where did sin come from?

Q. Did God create man so wicked and perverse?

A. No, God created man good and in His own image, that is, in true righteousness and holiness, in order that he might truly know God his Creator, love Him with all his heart, and live with God in eternal happiness, for His praise and glory.

I. The Image of God Created

Genesis 1:24-31

Genesis 5:1; 9:6

II. The Image of God Defaced & Restored

A “new creation”

Ephesians 4:24 old self; new self

Colossians 3:10 “…renewed…”

III. The Image of God, why?


1John 1

John 17:6-11

Application 1: Our Confessions

Art 14 Confession of Faith

Canons: Head 3/4, articles 1&4

Application 2: The Unveiling of the Promise

God’s desire

Application 3: In Whose Image?