Catechism Memory for March 24

Middle School Memory:

Q1. What is true conversion?

A. Conversion is turning away from our sin and turning to God and His will.

Q2. Who works that conversion in us?

A. The Holy Spirit works conversion by showing us our sins and showing us Jesus as our Savior.

Q3. Of how many parts does true conversion consist?

A. Of two parts: repentance and faith.

Q4. What is true repentance?

A. Repentance is sorrow for and fleeing from sin.

Q5. How does faith work in conversion?

A. By faith we ask for Christ’s forgiveness and accept His promises.

Q6. How often does conversion take place?

A. True conversion happens only once, but it shows itself in daily turning back to God and His will.

High School Memory:

Q1. What does God require in the fourth commandment?

That I, especially on the Lord’s Day, diligently attend church to learn his word, to use the sacraments, to call upon him publicly, and to give Christian alms. (Hebrews 10:24, 25)

Q2. For what purpose are we to observe the Lord’s Day?

Here we must learn to rest from all our evil works, to let the Holy Spirit work in us, and so begin the heavenly life on earth. (Hebrews 4:11)

Q3. What does God require in the fifth commandment?

That I show honor, love and faithfulness to my parents and everyone whom God places in authority over me. (Romans 13:1)

Q4. Why does God require this of me?

God requires this of me because He is pleased so to govern me and to preserve order and decency in this world. (1 Timothy 2:1, 2)

Catechism Memory for March 17

Middle School Memory:

Q1. What should we who believe in Jesus as our Savior do?

A. We should show our thankfulness to Him in every part of our lives.

Q2. How can we show this thankfulness?

A. We can show this thankfulness in our thoughts and words and deeds.

Q3. Why is such thankfulness necessary for us?

A. Thankfulness brings glory to God who sent Jesus to save us.

Q4. What other blessing does much thankfulness give?

A. It shows us that we have a true and saving faith in Jesus.

Q5. Can other people also be blessed by our thankful lives?

A. Yes, by our words and deeds we may lead others to seek Jesus as their Savior.

High School Memory:

1. What does God require in the first commandment?

That as much as I love my soul’s salvation, I flee all idolatry and superstition, and so acknowledge, trust and honor God as the only God. (1 Corinthians 8:4-6)

2. What does God require in the second commandment?

That we make no image of God, but worship him only as he has taught us in his word. (Acts 17:29)

3. What does God require in the third commandment?

That instead of profaning or abusing the name of God, we always call upon him reverently, so that he may be rightly confessed, worshiped and praised in our words and deeds. (Psalm 19:14)

4. Does God, then, forbid the use of oaths?

No. When oaths are used in the courts or elsewhere to confirm the truth to God’s glory, he honors such a witness. This is clearly taught in the Old and New Testaments. (Romans 1:9)

Memory work for March 3

Middle School Memory:

Review week; learn the same questions as last week.

High School Memory:

1. What is true conversion?

True conversion is a daily dying to our sinful self and a living according to God’s will in good works. (Colossians 3:5)

2. But what are good works?

Only those which proceed from true faith, are done according to God’s law, and strive to praise him. (Romans 14:23)

3. What is God’s law according to which we must order our lives?

God’s law for our lives is clearly revealed in both the Old and New Testaments, of which we find a summary in the Ten Commandments. (James 1:25)

4. How are the Ten Commandments divided?

Into two tables, the first of which declares the duties we owe to God and the second of which declares the duties we owe to our neighbor. (1 John 5:2)

Memory Work for February 25

Middle School Memory:

Q1. What is the Lord’s Supper?

A. It is the sacrament in which we remember and believe that Jesus died for our sins.

Q2. What did Jesus use in the Lord’s Supper?

He took bread and wine to point to His broken body and shed blood.

Q3. Who may come to the Lord’s Supper?

A. Only those who confess their sins, trust in Jesus, and desire to walk in His ways.

Q4. What does the Holy Spirit do in the Lord’s Supper?

A. The Holy Spirit works in our hearts to strengthen our faith in Jesus.

Q5. What is needed before we may come to the Lord’s Supper?

A. We must first examine our hearts and lives, and confess our faith before the church.

High School Memory:

1. Since we are saved by grace only, why must we still do good works?

Because Christ who redeemed us also renews our lives by his Holy Spirit, so that we may show true thankfulness to him. (Rom. 12:1)

2. What is the chief reason for doing good works?

That in all things God may be praised and glorified by us. (Matthew 5:16)

3. Which benefits result from our good works?

By good works we are assured of the sincerity of our faith, and our neighbors may be won for Christ. (Galatians 6:9)

4. Can they be saved who continue in sin and unthankfulness?

By no means, for the Bible teaches that such persons shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (1 John 3:10)

Memory Work for February 18

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. How does the Holy Spirit strengthen our faith?

A. He strengthens our faith by preaching and by the two sacraments: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Q2. What are sacraments?

A. Sacraments are visible signs and seals of God’s grace to us.

Q3. What does baptism signify and seal to us?

A. It promises that Christ will wash away the sins of all who truly believe in Him.

Q4. What duty do baptized people have?

A. As God’s people they must be willing to learn more about Him and to walk in His ways.

Q5. Who should receive baptism?

A. Baptism is to be given to believers and to their children.

High School Memory Work:

1. May they come to the Lord’s Supper who are unbelieving and ungodly?

Indeed not, lest God’s wrath be kindled against the whole church.

2. How must the church deal with such members?

The church must warn and exclude them from its fellowship by the keys of the kingdom, instituted by Christ himself. (Matt. 18:17,18)

3. Which are the keys of the kingdom?

These are the preaching of the gospel and church discipline. By these Christ’s kingdom is opened to believers and shut against unbelievers. (Matt. 16:19)

4. To whom has Christ entrusted these keys?

To the congregation of believers who exercise these through the office-bearers ordained by Christ. (Titus 3:10,11)

5. What do these keys require of us as members of the church?

First, that we exercise careful watch over our own lives in obedience to Christ; secondly, that we warn and seek to win those who go astray; and finally, that we cooperate with the office-bearers to preserve the congregation in the unity of the true faith.

Memory Work for February 11

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. Who works saving faith in us?

A. The Holy Spirit alone can work that faith in us.

Q2. How does He work this faith?

A. He works that faith by opening our hearts to Gospel preaching.

Q3. What is true faith?

A. It is the faith that knows Christ and trusts Him.

Q4. How was Lydia’s faith strengthened?

A. Her faith was strengthened by receiving baptism for herself and her household.

Q5. How did Lydia show thankfulness to God for salvation?

A. She opened her home to Paul and his helpers.

High School Memory Work:

1. Why has Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper?

He has given this sacrament, so that in true repentance and faith we may remember him by it and show forth his death until he comes again. (I Cor. 11:26)

2. What benefit does the believer receive from the Supper?

By this Supper Christ feeds and nourishes us in a true faith and so unites us to himself by his Holy Spirit, that we as members of his body become bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. (John 6:51,56)

3. Why must believers faithfully come to this Supper?

Because this is plainly commanded in Scripture, and God grants his blessing only to those who trust and obey. (Luke 22:19)

4. But is this Supper, then, instituted for everybody?

Indeed not, it is only for those who have truly examined themselves. (I Cor. 11:28)

5. How can we rightly examine ourselves?

We must find in our hearts and lives: first, a holy displeasure with ourselves because of our sins; second, a sincere trust in Christ as our only Savior and Lord; and third, an earnest desire to live a godly life.